01926 622980

Providing Person-Centered Care and Support
Way Ahead Support Services is a non profit making organisation which has been supporting vulnerable individuals for over fifty years in and around Warwickshire. When the service started, we were known as Mid Warwickshire Mencap. The initial service was developed by parents and carers who had children with learning disabilities and found limited support available.
Way Ahead Support Services provides person-centered care and support to vulnerable individuals, which includes home based support. Ages range from 18 – 65+ years. Service user bands include individuals with the following: learning and physical disabilities, individuals on the Autistic Spectrum, mental health, dementia, and sensory impairment.
Over the years, we have grown and our services currently include Supported Living and Day Service Activities
which ensure care and support is delivered in an enabling way. Encouraging the individual to take control of their lives and to be as independent as possible. Support is offered using a Person-Centered approach in the way that meets the individual’s specific needs.

Empowering Individuals to have choice and control over how and when their support is delivered

Our Supported Living Service, supports individuals with various aspects of living independently; supporting them with their own tenancies, budgeting their finances; being part of the local community, support with personal care following assessment, to access appropriate medical services, support with advocacy and to look at educational and employment opportunities. This is not an exhaustive list and for most individuals these areas will be broken down further. The individual will have a full assessment and then support is provided to meet the needs identified with them.

Our Day Service Activities promote positive interaction with others, developing creativity and building confidence. It aims to reduce isolation, which can have a negative impact on an individual’s mental health and well-being. We have a building based activity service located in Leamington Spa which run meaningful activity sessions throughout the week. In addition to this we also provide 1-1 support to individuals to access activities of their choice.