01926 622980

We wish to enable each person to have a sense of self worth, a positive self-image and good understanding of others around them
Netherfield is based at 5 Pound Lane, Lillington,Leamington Spa and offers day activities Monday to Fridays 9am – 4pm for adults with mental health issues and learning disabilities. Netherfield is ideally designed to facilitate an individual’s development and re-enablement of daily living skills and experiences. We aim, with the activities that we offer, to enable the individuals’ to acquire or regain these ‘daily living skills’ to encourage them to function independently and enhance their quality of life.
Some of the activities on offer include:
Healthy Eating and Nutrition which includes growing and cooking our own produce that we grow through the year.
Arts and Craft- Many projects are often underway and are developed from the ideas everyone has.
Relaxation - Wellbeing is a big part of what we promote here at Netherfield and this includes having 'Pinky's Parlor' that promotes and supports ideas around self care
Gardening - Our garden at Netherfield is always a hive of activity. Seasonal maintenance and projects keep everyone busy.
Music and movement- Our music room lends itself to being a place where people can express themselves through medium of music and movement.
Budgeting- We offer support to explore. promote and learn skills that help individuals to have awareness of good financial wellbeing.
Needlework/Sewing- Individuals plan and complete projects that they want to do some of this work is on display at Netherfield.
Photography - Many memories have been captured and illustrated by the photography group some of which are displayed here at Netherfield
Community based activities- Individuals are supported to access places of their choice. This can come from projects, for example the photography group will go out into the local community to capture photos of places of interest to them.
Digital Inclusion- During lockdown Netherfield very quickly planned and developed daily zoom sessions to ensure that individuals could still receive a service and not become isolated because of the situation of not being able to meet at the building. Lots of work went on behind the scenes to deliver equipment out to some individuals to allow them the opportunity to be able to access the zoom sessions and keep in touch.
At Netherfield we have IT equipment that we support individuals to access and use to enhance digital inclusion.